Saved 50% on heating costs
John Street Hostel
John Street Hostel based in Carlisle, Cumbria is provides emergency accommodation.

In 2015, Storm Desmond caused significant damage to the hostel, particularly on the ground floor. Extensive renovation was necessary, and the hostel reopened its doors in the spring of 2018.
According to Peter Rhodes, the Manager of the hostel, prior to the renovation, a Building Energy Management System (BEMS) was in place. However, this system did not allow for precise control of heating in each room. Consequently, some rooms would become excessively hot while others remained uncomfortably cold, particularly during the colder months.
The refurbishment project following the storm presented an opportunity to install a brand-new system that could offer superior control over room temperatures. After careful consideration, the Genius Hub system was selected for implementation.
What were your first impressions of the Genius Hub?
Peter Rhodes: “The user-interface seemed quite daunting at first, just because of the level of control we now had. Before we only had a time clock for the boiler and now we had one for every room, and I felt quite apprehensive about this, but as I got used to it I realised that, once set, we could just leave it alone to look after itself. This was excellent, as we didn’t want a system that we had to keep adjusting all the time,”
How was the installation?
Peter Rhodes: “The installation was completely non-intrusive and caused no disruption at all. Much of the equipment was installed in the loft space so there was little reason to go into any of the guest’s rooms.”
What have you liked about the Genius Hub system?
Peter Rhodes: “The flexibility and ease of use of the system is important, but a major plus has got to be the cost savings as it all comes out of our budget to run the hostel.”
Have you benefited in any other way?
Peter Rhodes: “Having each of the rooms individually controllable has been very much appreciated by our residents. We can check on the temperatures in the individual rooms and it is excellent that the system manages itself and we only need to tweak it from time to time.”
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Customer Reviews
Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club, Co. Down
“We have saved on average 45% on our gas consumption which has been vital during the current climate.”
The Belfry Hotel, Birmingham
"We were extremely pleased to calculate that the Genius Hub has saved us 64% off our heating costs meaning that the system has about a 2 year payback on the cost of installation.”
The Mount Business & Conference Centre, Belfast
“The Smart Control system has saved 41% on our gas bills in the first month and 9% on our electricity.”
Sister Theresa, Siena Monastery, Drogheda
"So far we’ve calculated a drop in gas usage of 30% in April and 50% in May. With the motion sensors, there is a great deal of ability to control when and why the heat comes on".
Josh Firth
"Always wanted the Nest thermostat in our house and had said it from the start of our new build. Had some resistance from the spark about installing Nest. So was very thankfully to find Joe through Nest Pro-installer. Who came on site and set up the system. Nothing was a problem, excellent service!"
Our Locations
Belfast Office
2 Woodstock Link
Northern Ireland
Dublin Office
51 Bracken Road
D18 CV48